
Are you ready for the new workplace?

Auto-magical lives are around the corner

If you are as intrigued by exponential technology (the hardware and software that power Virtual and Augmented Reality applications) as we are, you may have noticed that we haven’t seen rapid growth on this front recently. But that is all about to change.

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Are you ready for the technological changes?

As a developing country, we have, of course, developing organizations within our walls. And, organizations that don’t pay special attention to how they will develop, will soon fall behind as technological changes keep happening.

Focusing on digital transformation is key, but what is this profound transformation that everyone seems to be following suit with?

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Insurance, News

Why Use Chatbot Technology?

While we appreciate that dealing with humans will always be up on the top of most people’s lists, there are circumstances where chatbots just do a more efficient job. We are a busy and impatient nation, and having to wait for someone to process something, or getting stuck with a call centre person who wants to know everything about you from your name to the colour of your fridge, can just be painful.

Chatbots get to the point and get things done quicker.

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