It is a necessary evil, having a vehicle inspected once insurance cover has been taken out.
Because, you, the insurer, needs to know what you are insuring, if the vehicle is as noted on the policy, if there are any pre-existing defaults to the body, whether the vehicle is licensed and whether it is in a roadworthy condition.
Who has the time to inspect a vehicle?
Certainly not your clients! They have busy lives and there is rarely a spare moment to drive through to an inspection centre, and wait up to an hour or so for the completion of said inspection.
What about an App that can be used there and then by the client?
Affinity Group has the solution! Our Vehicle Inspection App can be easily downloaded for free and used as soon as its downloaded.
Reasons your clients will love you for this App
1. They no longer have to drive out of their way to find an inspection centre.
2. No wasting of time with vehicle inspections that can take ages to complete and no having to take the time out their busy schedules
3. A mobile app to complete when they get the time
4. They simply take photos as directed, load the vehicle details and a picture of the license disk, then send
What you get out of it
1. A mobile app customised to suit your requirements
2. A cost-effective means of staying on top of vehicle inspections
3. An easy way to request a vehicle inspection whenever you want one
4. A way to identify any changes to a vehicle from what was previously recorded
5. Immediate receipt of the certificate, with photos and vehicle license disk image
How can you get your hands on this App?
Our Vehicle Inspection Application is ready for you as a white label platform, where we configure it to your UMA or Insurer offering.
Simply, we just need to set up the agreement and get going in crafting the App to your specifications and client needs.
Does this sound like a useful addition to your existing offering?
We would love to set up a time to meet – so simply connect with us today and get ready for the future of vehicle inspections.